© [2024] [Shin Misik] Photographer. All rights reserved for photos.
Have you ever heard about Fihavanana?
Fihavanana is a term that is used in the Madagascar. Refers to our campaign, Fihavanana is a sense of peace or harmony that individuals can attain with others in their communities, inspired by the peace, unity, affection, and closeness commonly found in family relationships.

With the sense of Fihavanana, we want to start our support from Madagascar. Madagascar is an island country within the African continent. Even if they want to take a picture of their family, they need to travel far distance to take one photo. It takes lots of financial cost and time. More, with the lack of infrastructure of a photo studio, it’s not easy to find a photo studio to take.
With this situation, we want to help them to feel the full sense of Fihavanana by taking family photos.

Then, we assume two questions will pop into your mind. First, who is going to take the picture, and second, how will this support progress?
The photographer Shin Misik will visit towns in Madagascar to take family photos.
He is a photographer active in the African continent. He takes diverse pictures in the African continent and captures the cherished moments in there.

Refers to the photographer Shin, the moment that he visits the town and gathers the people together,
that is the time that people enjoy and that seems like a festival.

The route will progress in the following path. The photographer Shin will visit the town. He will take pictures of families, and the taken pictures will be framed in frames. The frame will be handed to the families.

Through this support, we are expecting three positive effects. First, strengthen the bond between families, second, help establish a solid personal identity for the youth, and third, the mitigation of isolation and depression among the elderly.