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Our Work

GFoundation’s vision is to reach out to our vulnerable and overlooked neighbors,
providing them with the support they need to thrive.

By working together with our dedicated supporters, we aim to create a world
where compassion and unity erase the lines between those who give and those who receive help.

Join us in making a difference today, and help us build a more inclusive future for all.

Uniting Hearts, Uplifting Lives: Together for an Inclusive Future for Givers and Receivers

Discover How We Achieve This

<Women & Girls>
Distributed period pads to 1,961 women and girls.
Support single mothers and their children.

<Wash & Hygiene>
Constructed and rennovated 10 restrooms in Africa. Provided hygienic and safe environment that girls can use.

<Youth Education>
Supported with 22,725 children in Southeast Asia
Provided English books in Dream Library

<Emergency Relief>
Conducted emergency relief for 53,425 people.
Supported with basic living products.

Where We Work

  • 78,698 People reached
  • 7 Countries supported
New York United States, GFoundation Headquarter Supporting single moms and their families
South Korea East Asia, Supporting children in childcare facilities
Ethiopia the Horn of Africa, Supporting restrooms renovation and constructions, Distributing period pads
Morocco North Africa, Emergency relief (earth quake), Distributing period pads
Madagascar (Island) Africa, Supporting by taking family photos
Türkiye (Turkey) West Asia, Emergency Relief
Cambodia Southeast Asia, Supporting English books in ‘Dream Library’

Choose to Act For People

Real change is only possible when communities are built on genuine love and trust.  Our mission is to foster love and trust within communities, enabling them to overcome challenges and thrive.

Join us in empowering vulnerable and overlooked neighbors by donating today.